The Ultimate Start Up Guide to The Ketogenic Diet

Use this post to learn the simple skills to be more motivated on a daily basis, prepare better, correct mistakes, and boost your ketone levels for peak performance.
Most people will tell you a low-carb, high-fat ketogenic diet is a journey in its own right, filled with triumphs and challenges. Climbing the ketogenic diet hierarchy of needs is simple, but not always easy.
If you are brand new to the ketogenic diet, you may want to know where exactly to start and what to do next.
If you have tried keto for a little bit, you may want to know where you’re at on the hierarchy and decide to retrace a step or make your next leap forward in ketogenic performance.
If you are a veteran, you already know that this journey is marked by learning and pivoting at every juncture. You may want to experiment with small refinements to maximize even more!
Regardless if you are a beginner or have been eating a strict ketogenic diet for years, take a step back and ask yourself where you stand on The Ketogenic Diet Hierarchy of Needs and then take the next action! Let’s get it!

Motivation Stage

First things first.  What is your “why.” This is what will keep pushing you and driving you when your head is telling you to slack. It doesn’t have to be a magnificent “pie-in-the-sky” vision. Simply,
Identify your goal. Example: lose 5 pounds in the next 2 months, or, run a half marathon under 2 hours.
Identify the purpose behind your goal (why you want this goal). Example: So that I can have more energy with my family, or, to gain a sense of accomplishment.
Lastly, decide if you think a ketogenic diet can help you.

Motivation Stage Menu

Knowledge Stage

Here’s the Knowledge Stage analogy: Say we are hungry and want to go out to eat. It wouldn’t make much sense to sprint to the nearest restaurant, right? Wouldn’t we be better served to take the few minutes to learn about what’s available, and then make a plan? Yes, we would take the time to Yelp or ask a friend for some knowledge and use that information to decide where we want to go.

Knowledge Stage Menu

Preparation Stage

Back to the restaurant analogy, this is the stage where you make a plan how you are going to get from your house to the restaurant. Failing to prepare is preparing to fail. Pull up a spreadsheet, notepad, napkin, anything… and make a plan. The most important questions to ask yourself are,
  • How are you going to test your ketone levels?
  • What are you going to do for meal prep, if any?
  • What snacks do you want to have on deck?
  • What supplements are you going to take?
  • What groceries do you need?

Preparation Stage Menu

Check out our Perfect Keto Product Page for more about the benefits of using Perfect Keto Exogenous Ketones and MCT Oil Powder.

Execution Stage

Like Nike says, it’s time to Just Do It! This stage is all about dealing with the common issues of transition to ketosis. Of course, there will be some minor pains and challenges, but this does not mean you should quit. Having the motivation, knowledge, and preparation in place is all going to pay off now.
A great place to start is the Perfect Keto Macronutrient Calculator

Execution Stage Menu

The Perfect Keto Product Page is the best place to purchase Perfect Keto Exogenous Ketones and MCT Oil Powder to rock the execution stage.

Testing Stage

The first question to ask yourself is: am I testing my ketone levels? Many other Ketonians make this mistake for a long time before realizing that it’s the best way to reach new heights and performance.
There’s an underlying reason we don’t want to test ourselves. We might not get the answer we want. Pride and shame conspire to tell us we don’t need to check our results. The key is to not take yourself so seriously and just go for it.  The two possible outcomes are
a. We are in ketosis. Great!
b. We aren’t in ketosis. It’s great to know that! Now we can make adjustments.
Think about, say, basketball practice. You wouldn’t shoot the ball towards the hoop but then walk away immediately, failing to wait and see if it actually goes in. Or… you wouldn’t get in your car and drive somewhere new without checking the GPS to make sure you’re headed in the right direction. Right? Same deal here.

Testing Stage Menu

Mistakes and Corrections Stage

Mistakes, refinements, pivots, corrections, whatever your want to call them… These changes are the vehicle that takes us from stage to stage of the Ketogenic Hierarchy of Needs. The good news is they are also the vehicle to break through plateaus and reach new performance levels. Changing habits is tough, no doubt about it, but have fun with it and go for it!
Are you not in ketosis? The correction may be to revisit a previous stage on the Ketogenic Hierarchy.
Do I need to lower my carb intake?
Do I need to start testing my ketone levels?
Do I need to stop cheating so often?
Am I on track to reach my goal?
Mistakes and Corrections Menu

Summary – Starting Up on The Ketogenic Diet

You are the director of your own movie.
Are you thriving on a daily basis and rocking it from a nutritional standpoint? It’s because of you!
Are you unhappy with a few things (or maybe several) and feel like you are just surviving? It’s also because of your daily routine. This is the great news though because it means we may be the problem, but we are also the solution.
A business that doesn’t take a regular inventory usually goes broke – and it’s no different with us and the way we eat. Starting up on the ketogenic diet basically means we have to check in on what we need to start, what we need to stop and what we need to continue to make progress! It may be in the,
Motivation Stage – What do I want and why do I want it?
Knowledge Stage – Do I understand the main ideas of what I’m trying to do?
Preparation Stage – Am I set up for success here?
Execution Stage – Am I doing my best?
Testing Stage – Am I testing my results?
Correction Stage – Based on my ketone levels and results – what can I improve?
Check where you stand on the ketogenic hierarchy of needs image at the top of the post, then trust your instincts on what’s best for you to do next. Go for it and have fun! Share your thoughts and let’s help each other out too!

Keto Macros: How to Calculate Your Optimal Ketogenic Macronutrients

On the keto diet, counting macros (fat, protein and carbs) is much more important than counting calories. To enter ketosis, you will need to follow a low carb, high-fat meal plan so your body can start burning ketones as its energy source. The majority of individuals consume roughly 75% of their calories from fat, 20% from protein and 5% or less from carbohydrates.
These are only rough guidelines. Your specific macros will depend on your body type, activity level and weight loss objectives. The Perfect Keto macro calculator uses these factors (described in further detail below) to calculate your specific macros. Each step of the Perfect Keto macro calculator is outlined in detail below.


  • Select the Standard Ketogenic Calculator for a classic ketogenic diet of 75% fat, 20% protein, 5% carbohydrate (recommended)
  • Select Specialized Macronutrient Calculator to input specific amounts of fat, protein, and carbohydrate







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